Tin-Sider srl, a tin plate import-export leader in Italian market scene, welcomes you to visit its web site.This new media promotion, born from the needing and the wish to use new channels to promote our products and services,aims to simplify and improve our customer care service and to make easier our commericial contacs.
Working in Italy, Pakistan, India, Maghreb countries, USA, Netherlands, Sudafrica and Latin America,Tin-Sider has extended its economical and commecial net all over Italian market.Moreover, thanks to our partnerships with the most important shipping couriers (by road or sea), we can completeour orders in the shortest time possible.
The tinplate is made through an electrolysis process which deposits a uniform tin layer on a steel sheet.This combination allows to have a robust and oxidation resistant sheet which makes it suitable for the productionof various types of boxes and bins (for chemicals and food), crown caps,cylinders and aerosols and more. Tinplate is recyclable countless times
The chromed strip is a valid alternative to tinplate. The technical characteristics are the same as tinplate but its appearance is darker.The chrome cover (instead of the tin) makes it more economical and suitable for some processes such as food bottoms and lids and crown caps.Chrome does not allow welding and therefore is not suitable for the production of welded boxes.